
Project 365, Week 13 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

Happy APRIL and hello to week 13 of Project 365! We have finally made it through winter and into Spring. There are still a few cool days ahead but every day the temperatures keep rising. This week is also Spring break for us so all of my munchkins are home with me and as usual the youngest is making it difficult for me to publish this blog post! 😉 Did you know that you can schedule your blog posts? Yes, you can and I just found this out recently! So why have I not jumped on that train yet?? I blame mom brain! I think the biggest even that happened in March is that I finally got on board with moving. I am still not a huge fan of Texas, but I’m ready to get out of Maryland. Two more months and we are out of here! It will fly by too. Until then, I’ll just be having photo-shoots of my kids and finishing up my few clients I have here. But enough of my rambling, here is how last week went!

March 26: If you have a two year old, this is usually how a photo session goes. Her face just says, HA Silly mommy, I will NOT cooperate! Project 365 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

March 27: Again, two year old problems! She decided to wear two shirts and when it didn’t work out, she needed a hug from big sister! Project 365 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

March 28: Another selfie…man I’m getting good at this! 😉Project 365 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

March 29: I had a wonderful day out with some ladies and made a coffee mug at our pottery class!Project 365 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

March 30: Random socks….and they had holes in them. Project 365 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

March 31: First day of Spring break finally…for them! Thank goodness it was a nice day out. Project 365 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

April 1: We didn’t play any April Fool’s day pranks….just went to the park. Project 365 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

And there was week 13 of Project 365. I hope you enjoyed viewing my images. If you want to check out previous weeks, check them out here. If you’re bored with my work, go check out Sharleen’s week here! 😀 Have a wonderful day and week!

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