
Project 365. Week 19 | Fort Hood, TX Family Photographer

Week 19 was here…and now it’s gone! The heat came strong this week too! Or maybe it’s just me because I hate warm weather! I keep telling people that I want to move to Alaska, but I don’t think they believe me. I feel like I may be the crazy one in Texas that tries to bring a portable air conditioner outside with her on the patio. That’s not crazy, right!? 🙂 Anyway….I tried to get a little more fun with my images this week. The girls actually cooperated with me a few days on ideas I wanted to do. This doesn’t happen often so I have to take what I get. Hopefully you all enjoy the little things of my life this week.

May 7: Peek a boo! I know it looks like she was crying but she was really cracking up! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 8: I just love this photo and she loves to swing! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 9: Starbucks….they shouldn’t have it! 😉Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 10: My hubby attempting to bake me some brownies on Mother’s Day. They were gluten free and didn’t bake right….but he tried! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 11: After the failed brownies, we went out to lunch with just one kid and it definitely made up for a boring Mother’s Day. 🙂 Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 12: Dee and her Eebee…and apparently Eebee needs a binkie too. Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 13: We packed up the garage today…..she decided she needed to race while we were doing it. Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

And there you have week 19! Enjoy looking at photos? Go check out Sharleen’s week living the Hawaiian dream here!

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