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Tag Archives: Central Texas Child Photographer

Girl Mama! | Temple Texas Family Photographer

Mommy and Me sessions are some of my favorite as a Temple Texas family photographer. I love when I can help a busy Mama get away for a little bit and just love on her baby.  It’s so easy as mothers to get caught up in all the everyday tasks of life.  We sometimes forget…

When to do a Newborn Session? | Austin Texas Newborn Photographer

When is the best time to have your newborn photography session done? Most commonly, it’s best to have pictures of your adorable new bundle done within the first 14 days after birth. However, it’s still possible to capture great pictures later than that. Momming is hard work, and it’s easy to let time slip away…

American Baby {milestone session} | Belton Texas Baby Photographer

This sweet little guy was so fun to work with (just look at those eyes!!)! He was so easy going and happy, and made this session a breeze. This particular session was a milestone one, and perfect for this family. I love a good theme, and as a military wife, this patriotic session was right…

Hello! I’m Jamie!

Connect With Me


I am a studio and lifestyle newborn photographer who offers traditional newborn sessions and well as maternity and Fresh 48 sessions year-round. If you’re looking for family photos, don’t worry! I open limited spots for my families in the spring and in the fall. If you’d like to check out the difference between a traditional newborn session, a life style session, and a Fresh 48

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