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Tag Archives: Harker Heights Newborn Photographer

Mommy And Miss G. | Temple Texas Family Photographer

Is there anything more lovely than playing in a field of blue bonnets?? Possibly, but if there is I don’t know what it could be. And on this day, both of these two beautiful ladies and the flowers stole the show. This was such a fun photo session, and as a Temple Texas family photographer,…

Sister Love | Temple Texas Newborn Photographer

Sisters are special. They are bound together by unbreakable ties. Yes, they may share the same mother and father, some of the same genes, and memories, but if they’re fortunate, they share a whole lot more. They often share a bond like no other in life. There is a certain sense of security in the…

Easter Flowers | Temple Texas Studio Photographer

Outdoor sessions are fun but studio work is my comfort zone. I love creating things in the studio that just can’t be done outside. As a Temple Texas studio photographer, I can really let my creativeness go wild! This is just one of the many backdrops that I have available in my studio! Who can…

Playing in the Bluebonnets | Temple Texas Family Photographer

While it is true that I photograph newborns and babies all year long and I love it! I also photograph families twice a year! Once being the famous bluebonnet season here in Central Texas! If you have been looking for a Temple Texas family photographer, you are in the right spot! This was actually a…

Hello! I’m Jamie!

Connect With Me


I am a studio and lifestyle newborn photographer who offers traditional newborn sessions and well as maternity and Fresh 48 sessions year-round. If you’re looking for family photos, don’t worry! I open limited spots for my families in the spring and in the fall. If you’d like to check out the difference between a traditional newborn session, a life style session, and a Fresh 48

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