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Tag Archives: Harker Heights Texas

Photos for Daddy | Belton Texas Family Photographer

Our American soldiers sacrifice so much for this country we love. And so do their families! Having experienced this life firsthand, I’m always honored to capture memories for these precious families. There is a sense of companionship and pride in being apart of a military family, and I love supporting our nearby troops and their…

Project 365, Week 12 | Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

Welcome to week 12 of project 365!  The best thing that happened this week was that my husband came back from his TDY! (You’ll see in the last photo!) Another thing that happened this week was moving prep started! I know the next couple months are going to fly by and I’m such a procrastinator!…

Project 365, week 10 | Austin/Fort Hood, Tx Family Photographer

Welcome back readers! Project 365, week 10 is done! It started off with snow and ended with spring weather! I will miss the winter, but I’m so excited to get outside and I’m loving the nice weather. How warm is it where you live?! I know most of you on the East coast are ready…

Hello! I’m Jamie!

Connect With Me


I am a studio and lifestyle newborn photographer who offers traditional newborn sessions and well as maternity and Fresh 48 sessions year-round. If you’re looking for family photos, don’t worry! I open limited spots for my families in the spring and in the fall. If you’d like to check out the difference between a traditional newborn session, a life style session, and a Fresh 48

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