
Week 10, Project 52 | Temple Texas Family Photographer

Good morning Central Texas and everyone all over the world who may be reading this! This week we’ve had nothing but rain, rain, rain, rain! But somewhere in between one of the many storms we’ve had, we managed to go outside and snap a few photos. My little one is getting  a little cabin fever so I’m glad we were able to go outside, even if it was for a little bit. Today starts our spring break as well..so hopefully next week I can get a few other children in the photos. I know my toddler is cute, but she’s kind of hogging the show in this project! I’m sure a few other moms can understand where I’m coming from when I say….I’ve had my camera for so long, my older children run from me!  I hope you all enjoy the Dee-va one more week!

Thanks for following along with me for week 10 of Project 52! Head on over to Sam’s week here: Willful Soul Images

If you are looking for a Temple Texas family photographer, please email me by hitting “contact” at the top of the blog in the menu bar! I specialize is family and newborn photography and I would love to chat with you to see if I am the right photographer for you!

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