
Project 365, Week 16 | Fort Hood, TX Family Photographer

Hello everyone! I’ve been a little lazy lately and I’m behind in my blog posts. I’m still keeping up with the photos with my project 365, but let’s face it…moving is stressful! We are down to 7 weeks left in Maryland and there is so much to do! I know these next few weeks will fly by so I’m trying to stay on top of things. Can you believe it’s MAY already!? I can’t! That is why I figured I better finish up blogging the last two weeks in April before June comes! 🙂 So let’s back track a little and see what was going on in April!

April 16: We decided to have a little fun in my studio one more time before I packed things up!

Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

April 17: Every 2 year old needs a sombrero for tv watching

Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

April 18: Since I was no longer using my backdrop, they got a really big coloring paper!

Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

April 19: She loves doing “high fives and booms”

Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

April 20: She’s so cooperative, right!?

Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

April 21: I’m not sure I could ever give up coffee.

Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

April 22: My oldest has a corn addiction….she eats more than all of us put together! Not sure where she puts it!

Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

So, there was my week for mid April. If you’d like to check out previous weeks, check them out here! Don’t forget to go over to Sharleen’s page and check out here work here. Her weeks are going to start getting good as she has finally left me and started their move to Hawaii! I can’t wait to see what she does with this project.

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