
Project 365, Week 2

I made it through Project 365, week 2! Can you believe half of January is done already!? The weeks go by fast when you’re having fun, right? 🙂 I’m still impressed with myself that I’ve kept up on project 365. Normally I would have forgotten to take a photo by now and called it quits. So maybe some of them aren’t the greatest because I waited until it was too dark out, but I still got that photo! Thanks to Sharleen over at Sharleen Mey Photography for keeping me motivated! So enough chit chat….show the photos already!

January 8: I call this the, “I didn’t want to take a selfie and ran out of time so the baby was being cute” theme. 😉

Project 365

January 9: “After dark”

Project 365

January 10: “NYC” Hit up the Big Apple on Saturday and caught a Broadway show with Sting in it. I’d say it was an awesome early birthday present!

Project 365

January 11: “Morning time” What good is going to NYC if you don’t bring a ridiculously large coffee “bowl” home with all the attractions on it!


January 12: “Routine” We HAVE to have a snack after school…and we HAVE to be as messy as possible.

Project 365

January 13: “eyes” And I also call this the “rocking the OHIO STATE binkie” YEA!! How about those National Camps??

Project 365

January 14: “Animal” So mom…I say we get the puppies the oinkies!

Project 365


So there you have it! Week 2 of Project 365! Follow my blog to see the rest of my year told in photos. As always, check out my friend Sharleen’s project 365 HERE!

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