
Project 365. Week 23 | Fort Hood, TX Family Photographer

I made it through week 23 of project 365!! I can’t describe how tired I am right now with this move, but this week’s photos will show you all I had to smile about! My five year old started her last week of Pre-K this week and they are doing themes every day. She has been so much fun to photograph because she really gets into these themes! I can’t believe I am going to have a Kindergartner at the end of this week! I secretly pray for her teacher next year….this girl is just crazy! 🙂 If you come back next week, you’ll get a peek at my last week in Maryland. I think our travel photos are going to get really interesting! We are moving with 4 kids and 2 HUGE dogs….and doing it all by ourselves…..I really don’t know what we were thinking! 😉 Stay tuned for all the excitement to come! But for now, enjoy this week of project 365!

June 4: She told me her new allergy medicine tasted like a dead frog in a shoe…haha! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 5: The hubby got his farewell preset…I think this one is pretty cool Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 6: Exist…It’s hard for me to get in photos….but I know the kids will want this one day. Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 7: Catching bubbles! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 8: This was the start of my Lollipop’s last week of school. Today was “Mustache Monday!” 🙂 Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 9: Team Spirit Tuesday! Can you tell who we cheer for in this house!? O-H! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 10: Wacky Wednesday! This kid is a nut!  Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer


As always, make sure you check out Amie’s project 365 here and Sharleen’s here!

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