
Project 365, Week 4

Good afternoon everyone! My kids went back to school for a whole day on Wednesday!! I know every mom out there knows the feeling after a long break. Even through the crazy week we had, I still managed to keep up on Project 365….but I may have been a little slow to blog them. This week I continued to work with my 24mm lens and my “storytelling.” Is every image perfect? Not even close, but you can get the idea of what my week was like! I have to be honest, the cold and indoor shooting has brought me down a bit. It’s getting old and I basically live in a cave, so there is rarely natural light unless I’m throwing open every window at that perfect time. By then, the kids are tired of me so it’s been so hard to keep myself motivated. I think this time of year every natural light photographer is getting that itch to get outside. The holiday rush is done, we’ve had our break….now please give us a couple warm days to go outside and shoot! Am I right?? Well enough of me complaining about my cave house, on to this week’s photos!


January 22: “Waiting” …. for daddy. When she thinks she hears daddy’s truck, she tries to get a look. Project 365

January 23: “Real Life” Ever wonder what it’s like to work from home with kids? This is pretty much it. Every morning I try to do work and she is right there with a million items wanting to share. 🙂 Project 365

January 24: “Naptime” Who doesn’t like napping on the weekends?!Project 365

January 25: I call this, “I had a session and waiting til it was too dark so I tried to grab my camera and forgot to change the settings.” theme. 😉 Horrible editing job? Yes. But look at the fun she is having! Project 365

January 26: “Cleaning Day” My oldest has to be dramatic about everything. Including dressing up while vacuuming crumbs off the floor. Project 365

January 27: “Snow Day??” We were supposed to have a bunch of snow….unfortunately it ended it my children trying to sled in the mud. Project 365

January 28: “Panda Love” Sisters went back to school today!!!! That means little booger gets full run of the house and she got to play with her sister’s pandas.  Project 365


So there you have it! Week four of my Project 365. Want to see more photos? Check out Sharleen’s week here! Also, don’t forget to check out my facebook page, HERE! See you next week!

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