
Week 4, Project 52 | Temple Tx Family Photographer

Project 52, week 4….and my last, but oldest kid is being featured this week! Tenley is my baby, although she doesn’t look like it anymore. She is also my hardest child to photograph these days. As you can see, she gave me one day and even then she wouldn’t sit still. It always has to be an action shot. I have loved watching her grow the last 11 years. I’m a little scared about what the next 11 years will bring but I think we’ll manage to get through it without going too crazy! 😉 But seriously…she is a smart, athletic, beautiful Miss social butterfly and we’re so happy she’s around!

Thanks for stopping by to check out week 4, hope to see you next week! Project 52 Temple Tx Family PhotographerProject 52 Temple Tx Family PhotographerProject 52 Temple Tx Family Photographer

Want to see more images? Check out Sam’s week 4 here!

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