
Don’t let technology fail you! | Temple Texas Family Photographer

Alway print your photos!

I’m sure you’ve heard that a time or two. I know I encourage my clients to print their images for multiple reasons.

  1. Everyone loves seeing displayed photos in your home.
  2. Your children want something physical to hold and take with them
  3. Technology fails!

Have you every received a usb of your favorite photos, plugged it into the computer and it just wouldn’t work?

Have you ever had a computer crash on you and the only option is to trash it or completely reset it, losing everything?

What about your phone? Phones die all. the. time. Are you backing up your cell phone photos?

Backing up your photos on your phone and computer is so important! Technology is not 100%. Even a hard drive is not 100%. My daughter picked up one of my hard drives once and dropped it and I was unable to retrieve the images. I lost probably three or four months of photos and it was devastating! So let’s discuss some ways to make sure that never happens to you!

First let’s talk about some ways you can backup your phone photos.

If you have an iPhone, Apple offers iCloud services. You’ll automatically get 5GB of space in the cloud for free! If you take a lot of photos like I do, you may go through that pretty fast. iCloud offers upgraded space for a minimal monthly fee.

  • 50 GB is .99 a month
  • 200GB is 2.99 a month.

This low monthly fee will make sure you never worry about losing your photos when you replace your phone or if it dies.

If you don’t have an iPhone, Google Photos will do the same as iCloud services. The plans go as follows:

  • The first 15 GB of space is yours for free!
  • 100 GB for 1.99 a month
  • 200 GB for 2.99 a month

With both of these options, you can save your phone photos to the cloud services. Then you can log on to different devices, such as your computer and view the images. Having photos saved on a cloud service is probably the most effective way to back up your images.

Cloud services are also a great way to backup photos from your computer too!

Companies such as Amazon, Dropbox and Flickr offers cloud services. They both have free space and options to upgrade for more space.

If you don’t want to pay for a service, investing in an external hard drive is the next best option. These range in all different prices and storage space. Just be aware, as mentioned earlier, that these can fail you if they are not properly taken care of.

How do I backup my images?

Well…I’m a bit paranoid because clients are paying me to take their photos. I can say that there was only one time where I lost images from a session due to a memory card failure. Other than that, my system has worked well for me! This is my general process after a photo session:

  1. Take the photos
  2. Upload on the computer
  3. I do not delete memory cards until photos have been edited and uploaded to client gallery.
  4. Backup images on my external hard drive
  5. I use the program Shootproof and save all client galleries to their cloud services.

I want to make sure my clients know that if anything would happen to their photos, I have their back! These are precious memories and I wouldn’t want anyone to lose them forever!

Looking for more useful information?

backup photos

I’d love for you to join my private Facebook Group:  HERE.  If you are on the Facebook mobile app, search for PSP Clients and it will come up.

Right now I have an amazing deal for my Beginner Camera Class! If you have a fancy camera and you haven’t learned to use it yet…now is the perfect time to do that! Find out more information by going HERE. I would love for you to join the fun!

Talk to you soon!


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