I am so excited to share my film images with you today! I bought my new baby almost 7 months ago and it’s been a long process of love/hate with it to finish my first roll! I started off pretty good and took a few photos, then a little person got their hands on it and left it on. Of course that drained the battery so when I tried to use it again, it didn’t work! I ended up messing up about 6 images on the roll because I kept trying to take a photo with a dead battery. So if you are starting off down the film road…make sure you have a good battery so you don’t end up with black images! But once I changed the batteries, it worked great again!
Let me tell you something about film. If you have only used digital photography…or even the auto 35mm cameras that us old people used right before digital became popular…this is NOTHING like either of them! This camera came out in the 70’s and it is manual 100%…to include focus! There is no auto focus on this thing! So don’t ever take your auto focus on that digital camera for granted! 😉 Now I know these images aren’t going to be as good as some of the others that you’ve seen, but I’m still really excited about them. This was a challenge for me and considering I have no background in a professional film photography, I would say I did a pretty good job! A huge difference you are going to see is the amount of grain that is present in the images. I first looked at them and thought, wow I’m pretty sure I messed them all up. But the grain is normal! You aren’t going to get those smooth crispy images that you get from a digital camera. Especially not with the film that I used. For this first roll, I used Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400. What this means is my film had an ISO of 400. So some of my indoor images looked a lot worse than my outdoor ones because I didn’t have enough light. This really wasn’t something I could make up for in other areas to compensate for it. Another difference that was kind of a blessing and a curse, was there was no white balance to set! WHAT?! At first I was not a fan because what if I didn’t like how they turned out? But then I realized…I don’t have to mess with it. How it turns out is how it’s supposed to turn out! So if you struggle with white balance like I sometimes do…it’s a win! But each type of film is going to have a different look and you have to learn what those are. The Fuji film has a very warm creamy tone to it. In the photos below, they were a little too warm for me, but they’re growing on me. I think my two favorites of this batch of the first two I’m going to show you. They are the ones that turned out exactly how they were supposed to. The rest…well just remember it’s a learning process. I am currently working on my second roll of film and I can’t wait to see if I made any better choices with film and how I used the camera. Enjoy this roll of film and I hope you continue to follow me on this fun little adventure!
And this would be how I found out which one of my children got their hands on the camera and left it on! In the age of selfies….you’re bound to get caught! 😉