
Project 365. Week 22 | Fort Hood, TX Family Photographer

I don’t know about you….but I’m feelin’ week 22!! haaaha! Yea, I’m corny like that, deal with it! 😉 Feels good to be caught up again…and to be half way through the year. WHAT?! It’s halfway through the year already. How did that happen?? Oh yea and did I mention we leave Maryland in 10 days!!?? I’m feeling the pressure now! My house is well on it’s way to looking like what it did when we moved in three years ago. It’s both exciting and sad. There have been days where I just walk around and stare at things, saying…I can do this. I can do this. I’m not sure if Ill ever be one of those wives who can pack up their house in a week. Maybe when my kids are old enough to pack their own rooms. *sigh* one day…. 😉 On to the photos of my crazy week!!

May 28: Love my rose bush in front of my house! I will definitely miss that…especially since I didn’t have to do anything and it just kept coming back! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 29: This kid. She’s a hoot! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 30: She enjoyed spraying her sisters with the hose….they were a good sport and played along. Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

May 31: I don’t know how many times this girl has asked me for a pink car because she has seen photos of her older sisters with a pink jeep when they were younger. I found this on a sale sight here and I just had to get it for! She’s taking this move the hardest so it was a perfect mood lifter! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 1:  Suitcase living is for the birds! Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 2: My little dancer.. Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer

June 3: Rainy day, so we stayed in our jammies. Project 365 | Fort Hood Family Photographer


Thanks for check out week 22 of project 365! Don’t forget to check out Amie’s project here and Sharleen’s here!

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